logo CetelemCetelem Logo PNG

The logo of the French credit company Cetelem has gone through more than five modifications.

Meaning and history

Cetelem Logo historia

Cetelem es una empresa bancaria propiedad de BNP Paribas, una de las instituciones financieras más grandes y de mayor reputación en Europa. BNP Paribas se estableció en 1848 como el Comptoir National d’Escompte de Paris. En cuanto al nombre moderno, BNP Paribas, apareció en 2000, como resultado de una fusión entre Bank National de Paris y Paribas.

La marca Cetelem se creó a mediados del siglo XX, como una marca orientada al crédito del banco francés. Hoy, Cetelem se enfoca en créditos de consumo y en línea, seguros y gestión de activos, junto con servicios bancarios e inversiones tradicionales.

¿Qué es Cetelem?

Cetelem es el nombre de una organización financiera francesa, que se estableció en París en 1953. La marca es propiedad de la gran empresa BNP Paribas, un grupo bancario internacional, que tiene oficinas de representación en toda Europa. Además de los servicios bancarios tradicionales, Cetelem ofrece crédito en línea y tarjetas de crédito.


Cetelem Logo 1953

The earliest Cetelem logo was rich in detail. You could see a stylized money-box in the form of a house. Above the house, there was a large coin, which was “falling” through the slot in the roof. The lettering “Credit Cetelem” could be seen on the coin.

The logo conveyed its message in an apparent way. Both the house and what was inside showed some of the things for which the money borrowed from the company could be used. On the downside, it looked too cluttered for a logo – it was more of a picture than a real logotype.

The original palate was dominated by shades of yellow, which were inspired by the universal symbol of wealth, the gold.


Cetelem Logo 1982

The design went through a complete overhaul. The sleek, minimalist result was opposite to the original one.

Now, the logo only featured the word “Cetelem” in a simple yet distinctive type. While it was not overloaded with details, you could see several purely decorative elements (like the serifs on the top ends of the “c” and “l”).


Cetelem Logo 1990

The same type was used in the following Cetelem logo, although now the design was enriched by additional elements. The lettering went white, and a green square appeared in the background. Also, a red square appeared to the left, which added a vivid and dynamic accent.


Cetelem Logo 2006

The simple geometric shape at the background was replaced by a dynamic streamlined one. The gradient added even more implied motion. And yet, the updated design did not seem to perfectly fit a company dealing with finance.

The type was updated but its overall rounded style remained unchanged.


Cetelem Logo 2008

This time, the shape at the background was a simpler ellipse. A friendly anthropomorphized character appeared to the left. There was a red accent in the form of a stroke under the character’s feet.


Cetelem Logo

The design has become sleeker, more modern and easier to grasp. The type was somewhat similar, yet it has grown softer, more rounded. The distinctive “t” with the shortened horizontal bar is still there.

Company overview

logo Cetelem

Cetelem was established in 1953 in Paris, France, where it has been headquartered ever since. The company focuses in consumer credit, online credit and credit cards. The brand operates in thirty countries and boasts twenty seven million customers. Cetelem’s parent company is BNP Personal Finance.

Cetelem Logo

Fuente y color

Las amigables letras minúsculas de la insignia principal de Cetelem se encuentran en un tipo de letra sans-serif redondeado que luce muy moderno e inusual para el segmento bancario. Las fuentes más cercanas a la utilizada en esta insignia son, probablemente, Modulus Pro Semi Bold o Arista Pro Regular, pero con los contornos de las letras ligeramente estrechados y refinados.

En cuanto a la paleta de colores de la identidad visual de Cetelem, utiliza como único color un tono verde brillante y vivo. El verde claro es un símbolo de riqueza y prosperidad, que también representa un crecimiento y desarrollo constantes, y muestra a la empresa como progresiva y dinámica.

As the logo is a typographical one, the font plays a major role in its success. The streamlined, soft glyphs have rounded corners adding a friendly touch.

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